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Staying Creative with Your Products | Print On Demand




Dude, let's talk a little bit about creativity. So this is something that I think, how do I put it those that are more like engineer minded type individuals probably struggle with when it comes to the print on demand space, but I kind of see this wave happen every time there's some new trend, kind of in this marketing world that we all play in. And that's it like, when a new product comes along, generally like, how do I put it? Like you don't have to be super creative to do really well with it, you can take things that are pretty simple, pretty standard, but since it's like a new product, that alone makes it stand out in the newsfeed and draws attention and eyeballs to it and that kind of thing. But over time, as the market gets saturated with those types of products, it's going to take something more creative. You just got to get a lot better at appealing to different segments of the audience. First of all, does that sound true to you? And second of all, like, what do you do to stay creative? To make sure that when you find an idea, you're putting kind of your own unique spin and flavor on it and making something that perhaps people have never seen before?


Yeah, so I guess the first part of the question is, the designs, I always keep super simple, just like all my advertising campaigns. I like to keep everything simple. And most of my designs are like, if I'm going like really broad, and I'm not like doing like a sub niche, like we're talking about, like a movie or something like that. It's literally like a simple one color message card, sometimes two tone message card with big text and the message. So the message is the most important part, that's something that you and I have, you know, pushed out a lot that message is what really sells so make sure the message is saying like, whether it's new creative or old creative, as long as the message is saying, like I've pushed the same creative to the same audience and I've been successful. But you know, change the message or change just the background of the message card is enough to hit a different segment of the audience. So there's plenty of segments of the audience which you can hit.


And the second part of your question was about the trying to find ideas for designs. So I guess it's like, trying to find audiences, which would be interested. So like, TV series, movies, particular activities, like ballet or something like that, for example. So you know, these audiences would be super engaged. So while they're not super broad, you'd probably like add, like a design element. So you can have like a ballerina on one side of the message card. So this is like a more niche engaged product. So we're talking about broad products before so like if you want to go to like bigger, broader audiences, you know, just keep it super simple. And just like one color plus text, right? So now we're talking about some niche products where you add some design elements where you're like, making it catered to the audience. So like, we talked about, like a movie, you can have like some elements from the movie, as long as it's not copyrighted. So like, you know, do a freehand drawing or something else, like a fan art like different, like, I'm not saying like go and take you know, Disney, for example, and put like a Disney logo on it. That's definitely not what I'm saying. I'm saying like, you can do your own take on something like a fan out of the character or something like that. But, you know, at least that way you've got something that will hit the audience. Another thing is it makes your targeting a lot easier because you just target the audience which is interested in that TV series, book, activity, whatever it is that you're doing, like I've seen some other people doing some creative designs, as well like with hunting, so you know, there's plenty of niches like this fishing. There's so many, so many activities out there that are probably untapped that, you know, people can look at combining. So rather than just going for wife, like everyone's just going up first thing they think about, you know, to my wife and so many people testing that, you know, you've got this sub niche, which is more probably more engaging, you have more people engaged, likely to purchase that.


No, it totally makes sense, man. It sounds like you're saying, and I think you and I might have slightly different approaches here. It sounds like you're saying that, especially for folks that are relatively new, it's probably going to be easier to break into this space and kind of learn the ropes, if they go after if they try to find an audience that's already engaged, and then basically create designs tailored towards that audience, right. This is actually something I did cover in a niche selection Facebook post, I did a while back with an infographic. I said, most people create a design, then try to find an audience, you should find an audience, and then kind of reverse engineer a design that you think the audience would like.


First of all, I don't disagree with that approach at all. In fact, I'm probably gonna go experiment with that now into 2021. I think where you and I maybe have approached things a little differently is like, I always have just tended to go as broad as I can. Because when I find something, I want to be able to scale it to incredible levels. And I'm okay, if that means I have to test more products to find the one that will do that. But that's I mean, that's interesting. It sounds like it's probably a more consistent way to find profitable products.


You think that's about right.


That's exactly right. And I agree with you like at the moment, I'm doing a broad product. And I'm trying to I'm creeping up on your one week selfie. We'll see how that pans out.


Not a three ROAs you're not buddy.


It's a bit tighter than that. But again, like it's still crazy, like how crazy how quickly and how late like literally, I think I started this product on the 22nd. And you know, we're almost up. We're just about half a million in terms of sales. So it's crazy. Like, it's 14 days.


This time of year is magical. For that kind of stuff.


That's just one product like I've gotten other products. So it's crazy.