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Do You Really Need to Worry about Father's Day Ad Targeting that Much?

Do You Really Need to Worry about Father's Day Ad Targeting that Much?

We know a lot of you already printed a lot of Moolah in Mother's Day selling event. Father's Day selling event is knocking at the door now. No way for waiting to scale your business here at this point. 

This post may help those who are starting off and also those who already have started selling. 

We always recommend starting your first testing campaign with CBO, then you can move on to ABO once you find out your winning audience and creative.

Facebook ads targeting differ from profession to profession. Fathers in the USA obviously have different professions, so the Ads Targeting should be. Let's try to brainstorm targeting from different angles using our ShineOn Graphic Design group's posts by ShineOn Artists so that we can get the best out of this post.

Design and Targeting Example 1:

ShineOn Artist: Jordan Topu

Targeting Details:
Location: United States
Age: 24-55 (Below 24 years of age people hardly spend money and above 55 hard have fathers alive)

Gender: All (not specified in the design it's from son or daughter).
Primary interests: Father's Day

Narrowed by: Veterans

Always try to keep your audience more than 1 million, bigger than this is better.

Design and Targeting Example 2:

ShineOn Artist: Tabassum Tonny 

Targeting Details:
Location: United States
Age: 24-55 (Below 24 years of age people hardly spend money and above 55 hard have fathers alive)

Gender: All (not specified in the design it's from son or daughter).
Primary interests: Father's Day

Narrowed by: hiking trails

We found more relevant and targeted interests e.g. "hiking boots" but it generated Potential Reach below 1 million. You may use this audience in a different ad set or while scaling.

Design and Targeting Example 3:

ShineOn Artist: Macky Gasis Puringue

Targeting Details:
Location: United States
Age: 24-55 (Below 24 years of age people hardly spend money and above 55 hard have fathers alive)

Gender: Women (As we found Daughter specified here.)
Primary interests: Father's Day

Narrowed by: Engaged Shoppers

It would work with only having a single interest "Father's Day" but if it looks bigger than expected or if you want to narrow it down a bit, use "Engaged Shoppers".


Design and Targeting Example 4:

There are some designs and niche contexts you will never find any suitable Interest in Detailed Targeting box. Don't worry, we recommend you to use Primary Text wisely. 

ShineOn Artist: Md Pintu Sk

For example, if your niche is Stepdad or Bonus Dad, write your Primary Ad Text is like,

"Would your Stepdad LOVE to get this from you on this Father's Day?"

Facebook's AI is more intelligent than we could think of. They know the keywords "Stepdad", "Father's Day" and the Campaign objective is Conversion for Purchase. They will show this Ad to your potential customers who have a Stepdad.

But then again, this could be your best targeting practice for such campaign situation.


Your primary goal should be acquiring 100+ View Content Custom Audience for now and create LookAlikeAudiences out of it as quickly as possible. The more is the custom audience, the more accurate will be your LookAlikeAudience. You can create another version later on.

There is no exact rule of creating LookAlikeAudience but you may follow this 3 model that worked well.

  1. 0-1%, 0-3%, 0-5%, 0-7%, 0-9% or
  2. 0-1%, 0-2%,0-3%, 0-4%,0-5%, 0-6%,0-7%,0-8%,0-9%,0-10% or 
  3. 0-2%, 2-4%,4-6%, 6-8%, 8-10%

We found a 4.7 Million audience size in a single portion. Therefore, you shouldn't even need to worry about your targeting for scaling your next campaign.