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Ramping Up On Facebook Ads | Print On Demand



Okay, let's talk about ramping up. So what is ramping up? First of all everybody's gonna ask. So you start with testing and then over here is scaling. This spot kind of here in the middle, I call ramping up. Now, one thing I should probably point out is that this phase here is actually relatively small, it will last maybe a little bit longer than testing. But if you have a product and it's successful, you're going to spend most of your time right here in scaling. Okay, ramping up is just how you get from testing to scaling safely. That's kind of the goal of ramping up.

So how do you ramp up? Well, here's kind of what I recommend. So first of all, stay in testing until 10 sales, and you want these sales to be profitable or at least breakeven, okay? So don't change anything. If testing, if you're testing methods, getting you some sales, don't go try a bunch of wildly different things kind of hang out, stick in your testing, and try to get to 10 sales, either profitably, or breakeven, okay? After testing, when you get to 10, sales, and breakeven, here is what I've been doing. That's kind of working for me. I do campaign, then I'll do 10. So this is an ABO campaign, I'll do 10 $100 ad sets. Like that. Now, you're probably freaking out, because you're going, Wow, that's $1,000 in ad spend. Well, not exactly. Because the thing is, I'm going to be watching all of these ad sets like a hawk, and any of them that don't perform, I turn them off. So what I typically do is I'll put like, something like, if no view contents by $2 spend, I turn it off, so I literally just come to the ad set, and I'll just turn it off. No, add to cart. Now this number changes quite a bit. Sometimes I do $10, $12, $15, $17 bucks, whatever, then it kind of depends on how well it tested for me like how well I got to these 10 sales. I will turn off the ad set, let's just put 15 just for safe measure here. If I have no add to cart by 15 bucks, I turn off the ad set, right. Then if I have no purchase. And again, this this number kind of varies by how well it tested, but I've had no purchase by like let's say $25, just hypothetically, then I come back and I turn the ads off. I will do this for several days in a row. I'll do for like two to five days, trying to see if I can get this sucker dialed in. And sometimes you can sometimes you can't kind of got to play around with it. Now you can get way more complex on this, right. But I like to keep things simple and scalable, because I'm doing 10 tests a week right now. So this is kind of my existing method. And this is working for me pretty well. So this is kind of how I do it. So my ramping up process looks like this right here. I move to one ad set budget optimization campaign with 10 $100 ad sets. Then, I very aggressively manage them based on kind of this rule set right here. Typically, you do not spend $1,000 a day, right? It's usually much, much less than that unless you get a bunch of ad sets with purchases. And I promise you the closer we get to Christmas, you're going to start, this gets much much easier. It's like stealing candy from a baby, the closer we get from Christmas. All right. So that's rampant ramping up.

Okay, so are those done by rules? Yes, I do. I like to use the rules, but I also kind of babysit them myself, because the rules misfire from time to time. Facebook's a little weird. But yes, you can do it the rules.

Matt says: if your tests were really profitable, would use tighter rules in ramping up? Yes, I would actually, the tighter the rules are in ramping up I just find the more profitable you are with those with that section. By the way, it's the same as scaling. When you have a hot seller you can be more strict with rules and things like that. It just increases ROAS.

Would you explain the ad set cut again? I don't understand the no view content by $2 and turn off. Yeah, so Sheila inside of Facebook, you can add rules. And so what I like to do is I create a rule. And also you can apply the rule manually to you can just be the machine yourself. But you can make a rule where it says, if you've spent $2, and you've had no view content, then you can turn the ad set off, you can do that automatically. So and also just in case, you're unaware, I'm not sure how new you are. View content is a pixel event. So when somebody sees your ad, and they click it, and they go to your landing page, there are a bunch of events that can fire on your pixel. So one is called a page view event. Another one's called a view content event. If they click add to cart, then an add to cart event fires, if they if they go to checkout, potentially an initiate checkout event can fire, if they purchase a purchase of a cannon fire, that kind of thing. And that's what Facebook uses that data to help optimize your campaign. So view content is just one of those events. So what I like to do is I say, if I've got an ad set, and I've spent more than two bucks with no view content, I want to turn that ad set off. That's kind of what I do. And again, you can either set up a rule inside of Facebook to do that. Or you can do it manually by kind of just being machine yourself and eyeballing it.

Keep the questions coming, folks. Can you set up the rules, no view content by two bucks into Facebook ads managers and manual? Yes, you can do it inside of ads manager.

About ramping up what's the difference between the 10 ad sets? Are they the same and only duplicate or is everyone in different retargeting. I use duplicates, personally, because I'm trying to take what has worked for me and testing, and then just amplify it a little bit. So whatever kind of worked for me in testing, I moved to ramping up now for me personally, I kind of know what interests worked for me pretty well. So like most of the time, those ad sets just end up being duplicates of one another because I'm not experimenting a lot at that stage.

Okay. Matt says at what volume do you move from ramping up scaling? Now, that's a good question. So, as I ramp up, I kind of I start to scale horizontally and vertically. So if I'm doing go with my 10 $100 ad sets, and I'm feeling kind of saucy, I'll move it to 20 $100 ad sets, and then maybe 30, and then 40. And then or maybe what I'll do is after have 20 $100 ad sets, I'll do 20 $150 ad sets. And I just kind of scale horizontally with more ad sets and vertically with deeper budgets. And before you know it, the line between testing and ramping up is pretty clear. The line between ramping up and scaling is much more blurred. You'll find that you're in scaling before you really even kind of recognize that you're there. So I hope that answers your question.