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New Product Page Design Release

New Product Page Design Release


We have introduced a new ShineOn default product page for both Platform users as well as Shopify App users. This new design is based on a lot of Conversion Rate testing and following more modern design trends. So let’s Dig into it a bit.


This design will help to provide more trust in our products with a redesigned "Reviews" section that makes reviews more prevalent and viewable. Previously we had review stars at the top of the page under the product title when clicked we would direct the buyer off of the page to a Trustpilot page with our reviews. We have removed that feature and are now bringing in the reviews to be displayed on the product page to prevent customers from ever being directed off your product page. Reviews are one of the biggest factors when it comes to adding trust to your store or product. Good reviews and photo reviews can help to raise your conversion rates as they add social proof of your products and their quality.   

For App users, we have created our new Reviews section to be very dynamic and editable. This section can be renamed, and you can replace the supplied reviews with your own custom ones that may fit better within your niche. We have also partnered with Loox a review gathering app to provide an amazing experience. If you are using Loox, once you have at least one review on a product, your Loox reviews will automatically pop in and replace our supplied reviews. This is all done with no coding needed on your part. We have more awesome features coming soon regarding our Loox integration for both the App and Platform users.

The description, shipping info, and guarantees have been moved into the lower section in tabs, allowing us to better show the information the customer is looking for and expanding any descriptions. By moving all of this info into the lower section it is allowing the “ATC” button to be more prominently displayed and giving you more space for your product descriptions without pushing everything else on the page lower.

The general product information above the "Add To Cart" button has been simplified to allow the CTA to better stand out and draw clicks. We have added the accepted payment methods and made the crossed-out MSRP larger. Again these changes are meant to deliver necessary information to the buyer quickly to improve conversions.

We have added lots of new snippet sections to allow App users to add even more customization to their pages without have to hardcode anything. You can see these when you go to the theme editor and view a ShineOn product.

There are many other small changes that have been made by our designers as well, however, I won't go into every one. We have also been working hard to streamline our pages and decrease load times. This is something that takes a lot of work as anyone with an eCommerce store knows. We will continue to update you as we make more changes.

With the changes that we are making we ran Conversion Rate testing and this design had a 22% higher add to cart rate than our previous design.

For App users, if you have auto-updates on, and use the ShineOn product pages, we have already updated your store. If you don’t have auto-updates on you can go into the “setup” section in the app and run your update. The current version is V 0.2.0

If you have any issues regarding your stores or how to edit aspects of your new product pages please do not hesitate to reach out to us.