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Mother's Day Hot Selling Spotlight from Eric with Michael Crist

Mother's Day Hot Selling Spotlight from Eric with Michael Crist


Notes and tools of Live video by Eric and Michael Christ. 

1-5 minutes:

  • Eric welcomes everyone joining the Live and cheering up.
  • Introducing Michael Christ
  • Introduction to the ShineOn Platform and ShineOn App
  • Internally testing 9 new products to find out the best to make it public for all to sell.
  • 8000 people actively selling with ShineOn App and 5000 people selling with ShineOn Platform. 


6-10 minutes:

  • Michael started with ShineOn in 2017 before Christmas and did pretty well Bangles. 
  • In 2019, last Christmas he made $500k in 16 days with ShineOn using an absolutely new Shopify store. 
  • Using a system of research and ad strategy that Michael is going to explain in this Live.
  • Michael starts his speech - you can find quotes and messages in amazon, Etsy, and everywhere.
  • You can even find them on eBay, in Facebook, you can even use some of the paid tools to spy and research.
  • But I use Etsy to find out my winner.
  • Go to Etsy and search: mother's day, gifts for mom, mother's day card and other mom-related keywords
  • I use Keywords Everywhere Chrome browser extension to check the monthly search volume of a keyword. 
  • reading some of the phrases for inspiration


11-15 minutes:

  • Always see the "best seller" tag underneath the Etsy product
  • Another place I like to go to and research is Pinterest. Go to Pinterest and search the same keywords and phrases.
  • Go deep with the Pinterest research, look for the images come under the main image.
  • There are different kinds of mothers out there, you have biological mother, stepmother and you also have mother-in-law


16-21 minutes:

  • Ads targeting, ask yourself who is the buyer?
  • United States/ 25-55 age/ Women/ Married as simple as it is. 
  • 70% or most part of the income spent by women.
  • Explaining why I target this way.
  • Single Mom is another better interest to the target
  • I never target Men, they have complicated relationships.
  • Eric explains, why targeting these middle women is because a daughter is a Mom too.
  • Michael clarifies one Mom in a family buys for different moms.
  • He is placing a bunch of different angles here to sell.


 22-36 minutes:

  • Always go for the gigantic size of the audience. I like to catch whales. You get 100+ sales a day.
  • It is absolutely ok if your audience size is more than 10 million or even if it's 60 million.
  • If you have a good product you can sell.
  • I use one pixel per niche, I use a new pixel for a new store. 
  • Advanced targeting - you can test different interests. Narrow by Family, Online Shopping, Engaged Shopper.
  • After having some sales, go to campaign manager > break down by age, gender, location > use the winning demographics.
  • I work in the USA and if it works then I go to Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand. 
  • Introducing ShineOn Graphic Design group. You can get a lot of talented graphic designers, you can hire them for good selling design. 
  • Different custom designs and custom mockups. 
  • Michael explains why you need different unique mockups to make people stop scrolling.
  • Eric explains, why ShineOn Graphic Design group is so important for every seller. 


37-44 minutes:

Questions and answers from Eric and Michael. It's highly recommended to watch the video to enjoy this segment.