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Message Card Hack for Print On Demand



So, once you do your research, and you have some phrase ideas. This is all it's like ammo, you're about to load into a gun of profit, a couple things you want to do here. So first of all, there's a work harder, work smarter, kind of path you have in front of you. Here's kind of how it goes, you can get one new design made per phrase, that's the work harder path. The work smarter path is use design templates. Here's your path. I'm drawing this because I'm going to make the notes all available for download. Work harder, this is one phrase, one design. Work smarter is design templates. So you have work harder is one phrase one design work smarter is templates, design templates. 

So here's what I mean by this is, you take a design, whatever your design is, doesn't matter. Put in a little flower here, just so you know, to design, this is a message card, then what you do is you test it with a bunch of phrases, a phrase one, phrase two, phrase three. You just want to make sure that your design here is vanilla, enough to work with all your phrases, generic enough vanilla enough to work with all your phrases. It's not that hard to pay a designer 15 or 20 bucks to come up with your template or three to five templates. And then for you to buy Photoshop, or you can even use Canva. And you can put your own fonts and text and things like that on the design templates. That's how you can do this really fast. 

Another thing, I talked about this last week, you want to use the greeting card format. So your greeting card format is to from want to use this for all your phrases. For example, if you have a product, you want to say "to my wife..." then you have your phrase, and it's "from your husband, love your husband, forever and always your husband" something like that. But you want to use the greeting card format for your phrases. That is how you win with your phrases. 

This is super simple stuff, guys. But these are the little things that make the $92,000 a day successful or possible. You've got to have a really solid foundation, it's required in order to hit these levels. Also, you know, this is the grind, this is where the work is put in. This is what you're doing behind the scenes before you ever run an ad to set yourself up for success. We want to make sure you pick a good niche. The way you know if it's a good niche is if somebody else has had success in it in the past. That's how you know if it's a good niche. If people are having success in it, that means it's a good niche. Now some people are gonna go, Well, wait a minute, doesn't that mean that that niche is saturated? You can think that, but when I see that, I think okay, that means there's opportunity here that means there's buyers here, that means this is a validated niche already. I already know it's working, because many other people are doing good. All I have to do is outperform them. That becomes the challenge at that point just outperform those people. By the way, that's usually not that hard, because everybody puts in a very minimal amount of effort into all this stuff. So that's not really that difficult. But that's how you know if you've picked a good niche or not, other people will be having success in it.

Once you have your niche, do a lot of product research, do lots of phrase research, really try to figure out what makes your niche tick. That's very important. After you do that, and you can build a list of phrases right that you want to use, then go get designed templates made. Three to five design templates that work well in your niche, pay a designer 15 bucks a pop, make sure that you have some Photoshop kung fu or Canva Kung Fu, and you can put your own text on those designs on those three to five design templates. You can rapidly start to test now with that, make sure all your phrases follow that greeting card format to so and so then your phrase from so and so make sure that they have an emotional impact. This is a huge one guys. You don't want to funny. The phrase must have emotional impact. That's super important. You probably don't want it to be funny. Unless it fits with jewelry. You probably don't want it to be sarcastic. Your movement you want to move people emotionally it needs to be heartwarming or sentimental. Yeah. Somebody had a question?



Yeah, Adrian, um, as far as color background and text back in colors, what do you find works best for colors?



It changes. Keep in mind your ideal buyer is going to be seeing a lot of necklaces in their feed, because you're not the only one out there trying to sell necklaces to them. What is going to make them stop, the scroll is going to change, right? And you kind of always want to stay ahead of the game. So if if you go in and like a bunch of your fake competitors Facebook pages or you spy on their ads, look at what they're doing and do the opposite. You want to Zig when everyone else Zags in this business. Everybody's running white backgrounds, white run darker backgrounds. Everybody's running darker backgrounds, run white backgrounds. If People aren't using colors, try to use some color. The one rule I would say when you're best with design is be a little bit careful with your design elements. Because you want enough design to be there to raise the perceived value of the product, but you don't want so much designed to be there that it's pushing some of your potential buyers away. I will tell you right now, if you look at the majority of message cards you see in your newsfeed right now, most of them have plain, light colored backgrounds. So there's a hint for you. Is this helpful? Any questions on this related to design or phrase? Anybody have any questions



Another way that people can get ideas for phrasing is, if you go to a grocery store, you're shopping at Publix, just look at the greeting cards.



Yeah, you said greeting cards last time and I totally agree with you on that. Greeting cards are huge. For example, I've gotten there for product research before. There's literally no limit to where you can get ideas from. You just have to be a little bit creative.



Yeah, and you don't want to copy you want to use as inspiration.



This goes without saying but don't copy somebody else's design. It's okay to use a design for inspiration. But you don't want to copy word for word from anybody. It's just a low blow. It's like this kind of unspoken rule in this space.