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5 Effective Ways to Find Out New Ideas for Jewelry Design

5 Effective Ways to Find Out New Ideas for Jewelry Design


Generating new ideas for ShineOn jewelry is not always easy. Dog Tag to Heart Pendant or for a Message Card idea you always have to find out a new message or quote that sells. This blog post is going to help you come up with new great ideas.


1. Google Search: Nothing can beat your own brainstormed Google search. Search by



niche+quotes idea.

Also you can perform a few different terms like niche+sensational quote and niche+emotional quote.

If you want to get an exact search match, don't forget to use inverted commas. e.g. "husband to wife necklace".



2. Pinterest Research: One of the most effective ways that worked for millionaire Print On Demand entrepreneurs is Pinterest research. First thing first, you search the way you search on google. But, the trick is to go for suggestions down below every image you click. Another cool trick is, pick the most Saved Pins by users, this is the one going to give you higher responses. Always go for the proven quote, design, message and artworks. 


pinterest search result


3. Amazon/Etsy Research: Amazon/Etsy itself is an eCommerce site. Your search term is undoubtedly well served on these giant sites. So why don't you take a chance? Search niche+pendant, celebration+necklace, anniversary pendant, birthday necklace/pendant and see the extensive number of collections to have an idea of what to offer to your customers. Products that have most reviews are the items that imply most sold. As I already said, the proven one is the best one to select for tests. 


 etsy research method


4. Secret Weapon Mugs & T-shirts: Jewelry is not new in the game of Print on Demand, but not practiced by mass marketers like T-shirts and Mug Print on Demand industries. There have been millions of t-shirt and mug designs in the world from different POD sites. T-shirt sellers have researched millions of t-shirt and mug messages and spent a lot of time behind every message they used on t-shirts.

Now it's your time to find out the best quote, message, passion of mug and t-shirt design idea out there which already sold great numbers and remodel it on ShineOn jewelry and make more profit. Therefore, your research is already done and a few steps away from you. So, the potential is unlimited!



5. Number of Best: Did you ever try to search on google "10 most romantic movie dialogue" before looking for romantic quotes or messages? It's one of the best ways to find out real quick jewelry message ideas that have already been proven world famous. You cannot copy the dialogue due to probably copyright but you can remodel it with your own words and creativity. 



Ideas may come into your head anytime or even when you are dreaming. But one way or another, you will find it.