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Get Your Mindset Right | Print On Demand



What did you do for your mindset to be able to hit the 15 K, on the way to Valentine's Day.


Um, I guess it was just like me not giving up, like I really wanted to make it work and I really appreciated what we had in the private community. Like we had, like the private group for the, for the econ profit formula. So a lot of members in there were supportive. And that's what I kind of tried to replicate with my private group as well, just having like engaged entrepreneurs and continually having the support network, because that did really like help like the family environment, and you helped quite a lot as well. So having people around you that are positive and on with the same sort of mindset can help you,  it can make the world of difference, right? Or even if you don't have like, these private groups or whatever, you know, you can find people that, you know, there's a community here at ShineOn with like 15,000 members. You can find people that are, you know, maybe a little bit better than you or people that are starting out just like you and you can network with these people and share experiences and learn from each other. And, you know, they can help you not give up. So I think a lot of the mindset not giving up and trying to provide makes a little difference.


Yeah, you know, that's one thing that I really, really have tried to hammer home. Just about every time I talk to people is like, if you don't give up long enough, you'll win. Like that is literally the name of the game. I think in this space is just outlasting your failures because the failures are going to happen, no matter what you you're not going to get away from that. Your goal is to just outlast them. I heard one person say they defined entrepreneurship as the ability to endure pain for long periods of time. And that might be a little bit extreme, but it gets the point across, right? It's that most of the time, it's probably going to suck until you get to your goal. But there is something weird that I experienced, when I hit my first winner, there was just this something clicked at a mindset level for me. It was like, just doing it made it real, like doing it the first time felt like it made it accessible. Like "Oh, well, if I can do it once, surely I can do it again." You know what I mean? And also, when I watched YouTube videos, or took a course and I saw other people hit their big numbers, it didn't feel like I was here and they were on an island over there anymore. It felt like, these are just human beings just like me. They just did the work and they found one, I can do the same thing. You know? Is like hitting that first winter, for me, was critical in a shift, like a mindset shift that I had.


Yeah, I had like a huge down slump after Valentine's Day. Like I was trying to do like a lot of evergreen stuff and obviously not being experienced and trying to jump into that probably like not the smartest thing to do. So then I like got, like COVID started. And I think just before COVID started, I did like traditional drop shipping again. I had success with like, some pet based store and some baby bass store. So I was doing well with that. But the problem is like COVID kicked in, and like the shipping times went like exponential and I ended up having to return a lot of orders and chargebacks and all that sort of stuff. So there was like a little bit of drama I had before, you know, things turned around for me again with you know, I went back to ShineOn like I think in the middle of the year. And I was trying things that worked for me before but you know, in different audiences with different type of messages.


So let me let me stop you real quick. So you're saying that you hit the 15 k in Valentine's Day?




Then, you kind of shifted towards more broad kind of niches and also drop shipping and you didn't revisit ShineOn until the middle of the year. So we're talking about June or July.


Yeah, it was June or July when I started with ShineOn again.


Oh, wow, man, for some reason, I thought you hit something fairly big kind of in April, May timeframe, when e commerce just had like another Q4 because of COVID. So you sat that period out and you didn't jump back in until June, July?


So, I did have a product which I scale on ShineOn but it was for a client, so it's not my win. I did do the product research and I did do like all of the ads. But it wasn't really my funds or anything like that.


So hold on one second. So December you had an agency running your ads. Tell me I heard this right. So, December you had an agency running your ads. You take a course whatever. Valentine's Day you do 15k. You sat out May and June. Then, June, July you take on a client and scale their ads, is that what happened?


It was in April where I had clients at the top.


That's even more awesome dude.


But you did good with him too. tThat's what is so cool about this story. I think it shows an incredible amount of initiative I think on your part and as well as just action in general. Dude, I just, can we get a slow clap for this guy? Everybody here in the audience. A little slow clap wherever you're at raise your hands. You deserve that buddy. That's awesome.

